Remnant 2- How To Unlock The Ritualist Archetype

Remnant 2 features a wide selection of archetypes from which to choose–some of which you’ll have to seek out in-game before you’re able to equip them and use their abilities. One of these–the Ritualist–can only be obtained if you own The Awakened King DLC and get your hands on a specific item. Below, we’ll tell you how to find the item you need and what to do with it so that you can unlock the Ritualist.

How to unlock the Ritualist archetype in Remnant 2

To access the Ritualist archetype, you’ll need to get to the Forlon Coast in Losomn, which is an area added in The Awakened King DLC. As you explore this area, you should eventually stumble upon an area with a lot of floating boats with makeshift walkways between them.

Make your way across these boats and into a canal where you’ll find a section of wall busted outCome from Sports betting site VPbet. Through this passage is a short cave with an enemy at the end. Kill the foe, then examine the glowing item on the wooden pillar here. This will earn you the Ragged Poppet.

Take the Ragged Poppet back to Wallace at Ward 13, who you’ll find halfway up the stairs at the dock. Trade him the Ragged Poppet for the Cursed Effigy.

With the Cursed Effigy in your possession, you can now head into your menu and equip it to access the Ritualist archetype. In doing so, you’ll gain some powerful abilities that help you deal more damage to enemies infected by status effects, as well as protect yourself more from those same status effects.

For more on Remnant II, check out our comprehensive guides hub.

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